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Install Ternoa

Validator node quickstart

There are two ways to run a Ternoa node:

  • For a quick setup follow the steps below
  • For a more detailed look into running Ternoa nodes, view our guide here

To install Ternoa, use this command line:

curl -sf -L -o
sudo chmod +x
sudo ./

We've created a script for easy setup.


Once Ternoa is installed, let’s check to make sure that it’s working correctly:

ternoa --version

You can also restart the Ternoa service using.

systemctl restart ternoa 

or you if you would like to stop it, you should run :

systemctl stop ternoa

to troubleshoot, and check the logs in real-time, you can run the following command:

journalctl -f -u ternoa.service

Binary installs are available in the following directory:

For more detailed instructions, view our workshop on setting up a validator node here.